Thursday, March 12, 2009

Beach series...

Lets go to the beach... Based entirely on latitude
'beach time' for different people means different things. In the Pacific Northwest it isn't always "fun in the sun" at the beach. We have off-season days, rainy days, and bad-tide days. There is time at the beach like the adjacent photo of yours truly bundled up for an April beach walk, silhouette self portrait. But in my opinion a bad day at the beach is still better than a good day at work. Here's a few for your visual treat...

Pacific Beach, girls playing in the early season surf. This photograph conveys the feeling to me of the hearty Pacific Northwest people who will venture out into the elements even when the temperatures are 'less than ideal'. I love that 'endless' Pacific Ocean stretching into the beyond.
Of course the title for this photo is "Beach Girls"...
Sand & Water, there is no more of an ancient composition than a combination of water and land. Based on historical record our forebears , wandering the wide world, held no less a fascination for the intersection of land & water than we do today.

"Steep Beach" off the Oregon Coast is a representative photograph of the amazing relationship between water and land that exists in the Pacific Northwest

"Beach Walkers" What can I say? I love the rendition of this photograph. The concept here is to find a relationship between light, image, rendition and composition that affects a watercolor painting. To do this with a camera, darkroom and eyeball is certainly a challenge which I hope I've come close to accomplishing here.

"Sand & Shell"; often the smallest of details make the most interesting of visual stories. You can almost picture in your mind the last, foamy wavelet pulling back across this shell and sculpting the sand in it's passage.

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