Generally speaking late in the day or early in the dawn the quality and color of light transitions through changes rapidly. Capturing photographic images in the twilight hours presents both challenge and opportunity to the outdoor photographer. Add the environmental difference in morning and evening twilight, early in the day being when the air is typically heavier with moisture and evening when dust, pollen or other particulates abound, actually requires different functions of the eye, mind, camera and lens. These technical challenges allow photographers to develop images with the embodiment of captivating landscapes and intriguing narratives.
I'll start this collection of 2010 photographs with a series of the Kettle River seen in the varying transitions of light at differing times of day and weather conditions.
Image # 1 (above) is from my backyard looking east over the river during the 'high water' phase of spring run-off. This photo takes advantage of the late spring twilight as summer solstice approaches.
Image #2 (above) is another high water run-off. The light captured here is the latter part of a sunset with rain clouds breaking in the west (upriver). The air is full of moisture, which in this low light causes refractions, giving the appearance of layering in the clouds
Kettle River Rain; image #3 (above) of this series is another late evening photograph, only this time the clouds do not part and that golden glow of twilight does not develop. Still, there is a rich, layered feel to the scene. The way the dark, trailing Nimbus clouds scud across the near sky as evening turns toward night bespeaks of more precipitation to come.
With the 4th photograph, 'Morning Mists on the Kettle River', I'll end this short series on the river. For me the dark, wet, wood texture of this free-standing deck sets the mood for this photo. Even though the silhouetted boles of the cottonwoods add mystery, the empty chairs feel inviting. This setting speaks of being a good place to have morning coffee.
Image # 5, Cirrus Clouds, Okanogan Highlands; actually I think these cirrus clouds are transitioning into cirrostratus. It is an down flow of air aloft that creates this unusual huge 'hole' in the skyscape.
Photograph #6 - Northern Saw whet Owl...

Moonlit Meadows of the Kettle River Valley is image #8 (above). This is a rendered photograph of mine offering the soft textures of a late evening under a bright moon partially hidden behind wispy clouds. To me it's an invitation to walk through the night glades while listening to the owls, coyotes and crickets.
We'll end this series with one of my favorite images of this year. It was a beautiful scene when I took the photo but I was delighted with the
vibrant light captured in the image. Rich rainbow colors, the green meadows and wet mountain road leading to the home of warmth and comfort. It certainly carries my imagination ~ and that is a good thing.

Hope you enjoyed the tour...
Foster Fanning
Kettle River Valley, 2010
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