Saturday, April 11, 2009


A truth must be told before beginning this series titled Wildlife. I am not a wildlife photographer. I rarely shoot with a telephoto lens and if a good wildlife image is captured I consider it more luck than skill. The main thing is I carry a camera at all times and make the effort to use it. Of course this coincides with the premise advocated in this blog - get that camera out and enjoy it!
That said here is my meager contribution to wildlife photography...
This photograph, #1 is titled 'Bighorn Ram, Winter Snow' again a matter of luck that as the other males of this group ran off into the bush, this lone fella' turned to take one final look. I'm glad he did!
'Blue Grouse Mating Dance' is photograph #2. This male in full display is courting a nearby female. This form of display is also seen when another male ventures into the territory of a suitor.
Ranging throughout much of North America the subject of this photo, #3, titled 'Raccoon on Ponderosa Pine' is a well known creature. Seen here along the banks of the Kettle River in NE Washington state.

A rare, full daylight sighting of this Great Horned Owl, photograph image #4 was another stroke of luck. I've often crossed paths with owls in the twilight hours or after dark, generally times when getting a spontaneous photo is not really likely. In this case I was delighted to find this creature in the full, late afternoon, setting sun.

Image #5, 'Northwest Squirrel in Pines' is of a creature also referred to as a Douglas Squirrel. Another prolific creature covering much of the northwest where there are places a squirrel can travel tree to tree for hundreds of miles and never touch the ground.
Photograph #6, 'Bald Eagle in Cottonwood Snag' is an image rendered through the digital darkroom process and finished in a manner representing more a wildlife painting than photography. I am fortunate to live in a place where the eagles gather in late winter & early spring to feed & mate.
Photograph #7, 'Nocturnal Flying Squirrel' is another visitor to the pine forest banks of the Kettle River. These are an unusual little creature, which I've been fortunate enough to see in 'flight'. Flight in this case actually being leaps from sometimes over a hundred feet above the ground and a very rapid controlled glide onto the base of another tree. In this manner these nocturnal squirrels can cover distance very fast.

Photograph #9 is titled 'Sand Piper's Nest. When I walked near these young fledglings they mistook my rustlings for the return of a parent. They peeped for a moment and then opened their mouths as wide as possible for the anticipated treat, providing a great photographic moment.

First off I was captivated by the song of this 'Yellowheaded Blackbird' in image #10. Then it posed for this photograph. I couldn't ask for more...

Photograph #11, 'Tiger Swallowtail' was another unexpected treat. I had visited a friend's garden with the idea of photographing flowers when all of a sudden another subject appeared.
I'll close out this series of wildlife photography with one of my favorite images titled 'Nightwings'.

Hope you've enjoyed this show...